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Escape the Virus: An Educational Board Game

Escape the Virus...

  • is an educational board 

  • is fun and engaged learning

  • educates youth on proper hygiene to increase health knowledge

  • allows for processing and application of knowledge, which is important for hygiene.

Goals of Escape the Virus:

  • Educating children on hygiene

  • Increasing how much children care about hygiene

  • Educating children about the importance of hygiene

  • Educate children of the importance of vaccination

  • Educate on how to minimize the spread of disease

Current Impacts:

After playing Escape the Virus, children...

  • care about hygiene 18% more than they did prior to playing the game.

  • regard hygiene as 14% more important than they did prior to playing the game.

  • are more knowledgeable about specific courses of action to minimize the spread of infection.

Question: If you get sick, how do you stop other people from getting sick?

Responses before playing:

"Not to go anywhere social in person"

"Don't go near them."

"Try to stay home."

"Don't go to school."

"Stay home, cover your cough."

Responses after playing:

"Stay home, go to the doctor, brush your teeth, and take your medicine."

"Not going to public places."

"Wear your mask, and don't go meet other people."

"Stay home, and stay away from other people."

"Stay home, and don't interact with them."

Question: If your friend gets sick, how do you stay healthy?

Responses before playing:

"Wash hands a lot and do good hygiene stuff."

"Tell a parent."

"Stay away until well."

"Talk to them digitally."

"Stay away from them."

Responses after playing:

"Give them medicine, give myself medicine, and keep masks on."

"Not having physical contact with them."

"Talking to them virtually."

"Get the vaccine and stay away from them."

"Don't talk to them in person."

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